What are the Oracle LMS Scripts?
Oracle License Management Services, uses their in-house written scripts and tools to audit the usage of all Oracle software products.
The collection scripts gather a vast amount of data, including
Hardware Information
CPU Types
Number of Processors
Number of Cores
Database Information
Number of users
Options/OEM Usage
Failover information
Historic CPU information
e-Business Suite
Application Roles
Application Responsibilities
User Mappings
Why are they so hard to decipher?
The script outputs do not include a hard and fast definition of which products are in use.
Recognition - understanding what the script output shows to be licenseable is complex
There are no written rules.
The volume of data is another issue. On a single server the full collection may have over 10mb of data, we have seen 150MB in the wild. This includes full file path information on anything related to Oracle. The number of files/paths may be in the 100’s.
19.1 Database Scripts collects 11 files per database instance
For a client with 100 databases, requires 1100 files, plus CPU data to analyse.
Customers are not provided any automation.
All data is sent to Oracle for analysis.
Example Database outputs